Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A new PR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

O.MY.HECK... I am still giddy :)

This may not seem all that exciting to anyone else who runs because I'm sure you are all WAY faster than me - but I'm finally faster than me too, woo hoo! Last night I asked Luke to run faster than we usually do, and I would try to keep up. That ended up translating into a 9:05 mile - a new outside PR for me! There is even a smallish incline/hill at the reservoir where we run so that is like bonus points lol.

THEN I decided I needed to do some actual hill work after that speed work so I walked .1 and ran the rest of the 1.05 total including going down a .35 mile hill and back up it - 100 ft incline - and finished  in 10:47 - all together that is 2.05 miles in under 20 minutes - another outside PR for me, especially going up that big hill!

I may still be a ground hog - waddling around at the park - but darnit my inner gazelle is trying to get out, slowly but surely! haha

So yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy for PRs! :)

ps. a PR is a personal record for anyone who has no clue what I'm rambling on about haha.

And tomorrow I get to spend my lunch break going to the doctor because I'm pretty sure I have strained/pulled/torn/who knows?! my soleus muscle... awesome :-p

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