Monday, August 20, 2012

A new treadmill PR!

Oooooooooo yea, one last piece of news to pass on... I was able to hit a new mile PR on the treadmill - 8:45! Sooooooooo exciting for me! I'm hoping to get that down to to a 8:30 this fall and then work on getting my 2 mile PR down under 20 but for now I'm pretty darn excited with this progress and just have to remember to take it slow and not push myself too much.

Treadmills have always been an issue for me as far as causing weird aches and pains so I'm avoiding them as much as possible and doing most of my weekly mileage outside. However, a few short speed sessions inside are probably good for me so I'm trying to work them in this and next month while I have a break from homework. Hopefully by working in a little speed work here and there I'll be able to get my outside long distance pace down bit by bit.

If all goes well with our first race, we have an eye on a December 8th 1/2 marathon (9 weeks after the one in PA). I'd really like to hit my time goal for that one because it will be fast, cold, and flat - which can only be good news for me! Another reason the speed worth this Fall is necessary and good.

To be honest, I actually have my 2 races for this year and 3 or 4 for next year already plotted out but I'm trying to do my best to take it one day at a time, one training session at a time, and just get myself to and through this first race injury free without getting too overzealous ;-) Basically impossible for me to do but atleast I'm not being crazy and signing up for all of these in advance haha. *sigh* O running... you've taken over my mind and made me into one of  "those crazy people" :) Thanks for bearing with me... you 1 or 2 people who may still be reading this blog haha.

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